Meet Our New Board Member: Leonard Peters-Smith
We’re so excited to introduce you to Leonard Peters-Smith, Atlanta Ad Club’s new Board Member-At Large for 2022 – 2023!

Leonard Peters-Smith
Board Member At-Large, Atlanta Ad Club Board 2022
Creative Director, LPS Communications
In your opinion, how can we best support people starting out in the industry?
Atlanta Ad Club networking events provide personnel starting out in the industry with an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who are also starting their careers, along with seasoned professionals with whom they can build relationships.

How can we better attract, promote, and advocate for greater diversity in advertising?
Meeting the challenge of achieving a diverse workforce among the staff and leadership in the advertising industry has been an issue.
It’s an opportunity for Agency leadership to strategize with their HR departments to become more objective and creative in achieving goals through recruiting practices, as well as establishing support systems for retention to develop leadership opportunities for employees, advocating from the top, and enforcing accountability for creating a diverse workforce.
“…The people you meet along your journey in our industry can become your work family and support system.”
– Leonard Peters-SMITH
Why do you think it’s important to have industry groups like ours?
I think it’s important for the health of the advertising community, their clients, as well as for individual career growth, to have networking groups to assist each other outside of their respective Ad Agencies.
A good friend and colleague of mine once said, the people you meet along your journey in our industry can become your work family and support system.